EUBS: Efficient Use of the Bash Shell — Marc van der Sluys

Using a shell or 'the command line', as opposed to a graphical program, can be extremely fast. To me, using a GUI rather than the command line is often like writing an email by selecting the words from a dictionary rather than typing them using the alphabet and keyboard. The tips and tricks in this document are intended to improve your experience and speed when using the bash command-line shell appreciably.


Efficient use of the Linux command line in the Bash shell:


This is a living document; please contact the author if you have remarks or questions through this page. The last update of this document was on Sat 2023-09-02, 17:25 CEST (+0200).

Copyright © 2016–2022   by Marc van der Sluys, Nikhef/Utrecht University  –  The Netherlands